Thursday, August 16, 2007

[LotF] comic: 3 Pages + 2

The "+ 2" :
Triple Update Cover - Blue-Hair!Storm & Mainyo
Travel Notice

The Completed Triple Update:

Legend 2, Page 061
Aodhan: I do not wish to be at odds with you Flower.

[Aodhan gets up and turns to leave.]
Please just think the situation through.
And do not hesitate to contact me if you need aid.

You or Storm.

Undine: ...

Legend 2, Page 062
[Show Storm opening a portal, with water effects (the Fuath is helping).]

Legend 2, Page 063
Mainyo: Huh.
// Not too bad girl. //

Storm: // Laugh it up pointy ears. I’m just providing you a way home. //

Mainyo: // It’s your duty. You are a Fianna1, correct? //
Storm: Presumptuous jerk.

// Duty or not, you could be a bit more appreciative. //
Mainyo: ...

// Thank you //
// Storm. //

1Fianna - Not telling... Yet. A character will explain this term in the next chapter or two.

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